Shaiya Wiki

Capes can only be won in events or bought from other players. This makes them rare, desirable and ultimately expensive.

Edit: lvl 31 Capes can also now be bought in Apalune & Iris, from npc, for 40 million.

alazyguy Said:

Lvl 16 cape - No stats
Lvl 31 cape - +10 to one stat
Lvl 44 cape - +14 to one stat
Lvl 52 cape - +17 to one stat

Lvl 33 cape - +11 to two stats
Lvl 41 cape - +13 to two stats
Lvl 58 cape - +18 to two stats
Gallery of Capes

Each cape's colors and designs appear slightly different depending on the character's class and armor they are wearing.

Click the names for more details, or click on the images for a larger version.

Fighting Mantle
Cape Fighting Mantle Mage & Priest
Cape Fighting Mantle Ranger & Archer
Mage & Priest Ranger & Archer

Rasyo Mantle
Cape Rasyo Mantle Mage & Priest
Cape Rasyo Mantle Fighter & Defender
Mage & Priest Fighter & Defender
